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The rest of the world has its agenda, and it will be clawing at your resources, your time, your money and your energy unless you have a crystal-clear agenda of your own that you could start to follow.

To have a really good, strong, powerful agenda you need three things.

George Swift


It’s really important to have our own agenda in this world, primarily because the rest of the world has its own agenda, in fact you already have an agenda. You see the agenda isn’t necessarily your set of goals, your plan of action. It’s not necessarily something you’ve strategized and thought about. It’s just a set of outcomes that your unconscious is working towards achieving. It’s set by your expectations in life which comes from your experiences so far.

The rest of the world also has its own agenda, your children have an agenda, your wife or husband has an agenda, your family has an agenda, the whole planet has an agenda, your dog, your cat has an agenda. They know what they want, whether it’s good or bad it doesn’t matter, they know what they want and their brain is tirelessly working to achieve it. What that means is, if you don’t have a really strong set agenda, then you’re going to default to your previous other agenda.

You may have an agenda in life which is to be seen but not heard, you may have had an agenda which is to get through life as easily as possible, don’t put yourself out there, don’t put yourself in harms way. However it might completely go against what it is you need to achieve in life, which is you want to go out there and be successful, be a successful entrepreneur, whatever it might be. So of course, if we don’t set our own agendas for ourselves then our unconscious will set those agenda’s based on our previous experiences and on our expectations of ourselves and the rest of the world and our future.

The rest of the world also has its agenda, and it will be clawing at your resources, your time, your money and your energy unless you have a crystal-clear agenda of your own that you could start to follow. You want to have your own path to follow otherwise you’re going to end up walking somebody else’s. So, the whole world has an agenda, it’s not a negative thing, it’s not a bad thing, it’s just that’s how the world works. It’s how the human brain works, it’s how the animal kingdom works.

It has an agenda, it knows what it wants and it will manipulate its surroundings in order to get that, and you are part of the worlds surroundings, therefore you will be manipulated into giving other people or getting other people even your pets or your animals what they want. There’s an agenda in the news, there’s an agenda in the press, big brand marketing, any brand marketing.  It all has an agenda and you see if you don’t set your own agenda, they’re going to set your agenda for you and before you know it you’re following somebody else’s path rather than your own.

So here you go, to have a really good, strong, powerful agenda you need three things.

Number one you need to know exactly what it is that you want to achieve, a really clearly defined set of goals.

Number two you want to know the absolutely clearly and absolutely matter-of-factly why it is that this is so important for you to achieve.  A real sense of purpose.

The third thing you need, is you need to plan, you need a strategy, a way of achieving it, a way of getting there.

If you have those three things in place you have a really strong, cast iron agenda, you’re going to start getting more of what you want and you’re going to stop playing to other people’s agendas. You’re going to start walking your path and you’re going to be walking far less on the paths of those around you. This is the way to start getting some real power behind your actions, some real power behind your intentions. Have a really strong agenda and you’ll start to live your life, you’ll start to create your life in the way you want to create it, you’ll start to create yourself by the way the way you want to create yourself, your business, whatever it might be.

Have a really good strong crystal-clear agenda. Number one know what you want, number two know why you want it, number three know how you’re going to achieve it. Have those three things in place and you will start to get a lot lot more of what you want out of life and yourself.

Until next time, be successful.

About The Author

About The Author

George Swift - The Mindset Mechanic

George is the Founder of BBB Success Groups and the driving force behind the content, tools and techniques at BBB. Driven by a lifetime of knowing life could be better, George has spent over 20 years understanding how the mind creates the experience we have in this world and how it ultimately determines our success.

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