Before you can be successful you must acknowledge the possibility of success.
It’s easy to not see what we could achieve in life because we’ve been trained to see life through a narrow bandwidth of possibility. Widen your focus and what’s possible grows. From there you can step into your potential.
About The Author
George Swift - The Mindset Mechanic
George is the Founder of BBB Success Groups and the driving force behind the content, tools and techniques at BBB. Driven by a lifetime of knowing life could be better, George has spent over 20 years understanding how the mind creates the experience we have in this world and how it ultimately determines our success.
I want you to understand that before you can be successful, you have to first of all acknowledge the opportunities that you have to be successful. Before you can be happy and fulfilled you need to understand or acknowledge the opportunities for that to exist for you.
In acknowledging the opportunity gives rise to possibility, and once we’ve got possibility then it maximises our potential; potential for whom we can become and our potential for what we can achieve in life. We have to spot the opportunities that are out there, we have to stop thinking of ourselves in negative ways or life in negative ways. We have to start thinking increasingly about the opportunities that we’re presented with.
In today’s world with entrepreneurs and business owners, as anyone we have more opportunity than we’ve ever had as a species before now. There’s no excuse, but most people still don’t acknowledge the amount of opportunity that is out there for them, and because they don’t acknowledge the opportunity they never expand their possibility of what’s possible for them – possible for them to achieve or possible for them to be or who they could be, and therefore their potential wanes.
So it’s a really simple message I want to give you, which is the awareness or the acknowledgment of our opportunity gives rise to our possibility or creates possibility which maximises our potential. Spot those opportunities, understand that you live in a world and you have a life that has unprecedented opportunity if only you dare find it, and acknowledge it. Raise your possibility and maximise the potential for you, for your business and for your life.
Until next time, be successful.