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George Swift

The Mindset Mechanic


My name is George Swift, but many people refer to me as the Mindset Mechanic since what I do is very similar to how an auto mechanic works. I have the ability to get in under the bonnet to evaluate a person’s mindset, dismantle it and work out what’s not quite firing properly, before reassembling the parts and putting it all back together. This is a tried and tested path to increased performance.

As a child, I used to dismantle my toys and bicycles to figure out why they stopped working. Mind you, I was never going to be an engineer – because I couldn’t quite manage to reassemble the parts! However, the good news is that I do know how to reassemble mindsets. And that’s exactly what I want to do for you.

I’ve got twenty years of experience from dealing with human behaviour. I’ve managed some of the very worst behaviour, such as violence, as well as helping people suffering from depression, anxiety, suicidal tendencies, eating disorders, and self-harming. I’ve worked with sports teams, to help them create a winning mindset. I’ve also supported many CEOs and executive teams, instilling the mindset for success in their organisations. Today, however, I work almost exclusively with business owners just like you through BBB Success Groups.

Tracey and I developed BBB Success Groups in order to give you as a business owner the opportunity to make the most of your entrepreneurial spirit by backing it up with the mindset for success. By mindset, we actually refer to the mindset, the attitude and the behaviours of success. Instead of being a victim of yourself, you can get to be the master of your own world, of your business and ultimately of your whole life. BBB Success Groups is here to help you become the best performing entrepreneur that you possibly can be, so that you can get the best business that you can – and live the life that you want to live!

The road to success is not an easy one. If it was, we’d all be massively successful. It’s difficult to find true success. However, most of the difficulties – and certainly the most unnecessary ones – only exist in your own mind and not in the real world.

I want to help you break down your mind’s patterns and overcome your own internal limitations. By doing this, you will see who you need to become in order to fulfil your true capability and have the experience of life that you deserve.

I look forward to seeing you at one of our open events really soon, where we’ll talk more about the mindset for success and share an insight into what we do at BBB Success Groups!

“First, we are a product of our environment and then our environment is a product of us. Life repeats itself unless we deliberately change it.”

– George Swift

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It's time to create real results...

Nothing will change unless you seriously get involved and make it happen.

Stop wishing & hoping and start doing.

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