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Are the rules you live by setting you up for success, mediocrity or failure?

When I talk about developing the mindset for success what I’m really talking about is developing the rules for success. Your unconscious mind is like a computer storing all the rules that make you tick. If we gave language to those rules they’d read like computer code – “If this…then that” or “If this and that…then do this”.

When we dig beneath our mindset, we find these rules. Rules that determine what we think and do given certain circumstances. How to respond or react to things. What to go for and what to stay away from. It’s actually pretty simple stuff but just like a computer the complexity is in the sheer vastness of the number of these programmes and rules playing out at any one time…. and at frightening speed.

Ultimately, we need to dig deep under the mindset bonnet and swap out any disempowering rules with empowering ones aligned with our chosen route to success and fulfilment. Our rules create our mindset. Our mindset shows up in our attitudes and our attitudes create behaviour that gives us the results in life that we have. Our rules can only support an amount of success. If we want more success, then we need to strengthen our supporting rules.

Change your rules and you literally change your life.

About The Author

About The Author

George Swift - The Mindset Mechanic

George is the Founder of BBB Success Groups and the driving force behind the content, tools and techniques at BBB. Driven by a lifetime of knowing life could be better, George has spent over 20 years understanding how the mind creates the experience we have in this world and how it ultimately determines our success.

George Swift

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